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Precinct Realignment

The US Constitution calls for a census to be taken every ten years.  This year's census was delayed due to COVID-19 which also delayed the state's realignment.  On Friday, November 5, 2021, the Commissioner's Court voted to Order Clay County's Precinct Realignment as required by law.  They also approved the criteria that will be used.

Clay County Demographics

Demographic Spreadsheet.JPG

Adopted Realignment

Clay County utilizes the services of Allison, Bass, and Magee, an Austin Attorney group that specializes in county government.  They have provided recommendations to the county on redrawing precinct lines that will meet Federal and State requirements of the Voting Rights Act and the Texas Election Code. 

Each color represents the proposed precinct lines.

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11_5_21 a.jpg

Realignment Closeup

All changes are made within the city limits of Henrietta to avoid changes to road mileages for each precinct.  The following maps provide greater detail of the changes.  The blue lines represent the current precinct boundaries and the colors represent the changes.

Realignment Closeup

All changes are made within the city limits of Henrietta to avoid changes to road mileages for each precinct.  The following maps provide greater detail of the changes.  The blue lines represent the current precinct boundaries and the colors represent the changes.

11_5_21 b.jpg
11_5_21 c.jpg

Realignment Closeup

All changes are made within the city limits of Henrietta to avoid changes to road mileages for each precinct.  The following maps provide greater detail of the changes.  The blue lines represent the current precinct boundaries and the colors represent the changes.

     The Commissioners Court of Clay County, Texas, convened in a special session on November 15, 2021, at 9:30 a.m. to receive public comment on redistricting of county election, justice of the peace, and commissioners court precincts.  After the public hearing, the Commissioners Court approved the realignment as posted for the redistricting of County Commissioners Court precincts.  

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