2025 Elected Officials

2025 Elected Officials

Clay County Texas
If there is a situation where you observe an employee of the Clay County Sheriff's Office exhibit outstanding or extraordinary behavior, please let the employee know. We would also appreciate you letting the Sheriff' Office know by contacting the Sheriff, Jeff Lyde, or the Chief Deputy, Rodney Hamilton.
Letters are placed in the employees personnel file.
If you do not have a name, please describe the employee as best as you can and provide the date, approximate time and location of the event.
You can send a letter to:
Clay County Sheriff's Office
Attn: Sheriff Horton
215 W. Gilbert
Henrietta, Texas, 76365
By email:
Filing a Complaint:
When a citizen has a complaint against a Clay County Sheriff's Office employee, the complaint is directed to the Sheriff and/or Chief Deputy. Normal office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday excluding official County holidays.
If the office is closed, you may still file a complaint with any Sheriff's Office supervisor who will then forward your report.
Texas law requires that all complaints against employees must be in writing and signed by the person making the complaint. Complaints must be made within 30 days of the incident unless special circumstances exist. The person who was directly involved must file the complaint. Other persons may give statements as witnesses.
The Sheriff's Office investigators will ensure that a thorough investigation of your complaint is conducted. A Sheriff's Office employee must be advised of the complaint against them and provided a copy of the complaint before any disciplinary action is taken. When the investigation is completed, you will be notified of the results and action taken.
False Complaints:
Filing a false complaint against an employee is a violation of the Texas Penal Code, Section 37.02. If a person knowingly and intentionally makes a false statement under oath, or swears to the truth of a false statement previously made under oath, a person may be found guilty and punished by a fine up to $4,000, confinement in jail up to one year, or by both fine and imprisonment.
What happens when a complaint is upheld?
When the investigation finds that the complaint against an employee is factual, the Sheriff or his designee notifies the employee and may take one of the following actions: (1) remedial training, (2) documented verbal counseling; (3) written reprimand; (4) suspension without pay; (5) demotion for cause; or (6) termination. Employees can appeal the decision to uphold a complaint and the decision to discipline the employee.
What happens when a complaint is not upheld?
Complaints must be supported by sufficient evidence. When the investigation cannot find the degree of evidence necessary to prove the employee acted improperly, the employee and the citizen are both notified in writing.
Racial Profiling Complaints
CCP Art. 2.132 Law Enforcement Policy on Racial Profiling requires the department to provide public education on the racial profiling complaint process. For the Clay County Sheriff's Department, this process is the same as the Department’s complaint process, as described above.
The Clay County Sheriff's Department is fully vested in taking action when its employees are derelict in their duties or are guilty of wrongdoing. Your complaint will be given a fair and thorough investigation.
Contact Us At:
Clay County Sheriff's Department
215 W. Gilbert
Henrietta, TX 76365